Will Miss #22: Eram Botanical Garden

Eram Botanical Garden ("Bagh-e-Eram" in Persian... in case you were wondering why there is an "e," which is pronounced as "eh" in between "Bagh" and "Eram," it means "of"... remember how I mentioned that nouns always come first in Persian? So "Bagh-e-Eram" literally means "Garden of Eram"... say "Eram Bagh" in Iran and people will look at you funny) is a famous, historic, and absolutely gorgeous garden in Shiraz.

I'll let this photo do the talking for the historical background of the garden:

Here is the full sign: 

Interesting tidbit from Wikipedia: Eram Garden: "Eram is the Persianized version of the Arabic word 'Iram' meaning heaven in the Qur'an... Eram Garden therefore is so called for its aesthetic attractions resembling 'heaven.'"

And now, I'll let these photos speak for the beauty of this place (it's truly a slice of heaven on Earth) (the first photo is of Qavam House, which along with the garden, was "built during the middle of nineteenth century by the Ilkhanate or a paramount chief of the Qashqai tribes of Pars. The original layout of the garden however, with its quadripartite Persian Paradise garden structure was most likely [laid] in eighteenth century by the Seljuqs], and was then referred to as the "Bāgh-e Shāh" ("the king's garden" in Persian) and was much less complicated or ornamental.[1] Cornelius de Bruyn, a traveller from the Netherlands, wrote a description of the gardens in the eighteenth century" (Wiki: Eram Garden):

Eram Botanical Garden was the first place I visited in Shiraz, and I couldn't have asked for a better introduction to the city. 

I will miss this exquisite treasure of a garden. 

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