Will Miss #4: Doogh

I can drink doogh all day, every day. I LOVE it. Doogh is a yogurt-based, white, salty-tasting drink:

Ancient Persians drank doogh, and the word “doogh” derives from “dooshidan,” which is the Persian word for “milking” (Wikipedia).

Drinking doogh makes me thirsty (it’s not the best thing to pick up if you’ve just run 10 miles and are feeling dehydrated), but that’s wonderful because then I can drink more of it. However, it is an acquired taste, and is certainly not for everyone. Case in point – once, a few friends and I went to a Turkish restaurant (Turks also drink doogh, but they call it “aylar”), and one of them ordered doogh. He took one sip and his reaction wasn’t pretty. Needless to say, he didn’t touch his cup of doogh for the rest of the night.

I’ve had doogh in the States, but it just doesn’t compare. I will miss the taste of authentic Persian doogh.

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