Will Miss #3: Parks

The parks in Iran have an atmosphere that’s hard to find in the U.S. Parks here are usually a family affair, involving tons of food, tea, sports (typically soccer and badminton) laughter, and plenty of conversation.
What a lot of families will do is bring food – usually sandwiches or kebab – and have dinner sitting right there at the park. The particular park I visited with my family, Darayee Park, also had a restaurant with ample seating space:

There was a good variety to the menu – traditional Persian food to pizza. And ok, I lied. The best chicken kebab I’ve ever had was at Darayee Park:

If you’re looking for top-notch chicken kebab in Tehran, Darayee Park and Darband are the places to go.
This park in particular was sort of like a micro zoo. There were a few geese, some rabbits, a monkey, roosters, pigeons, and chickens (kept in separate cages, of course!):

The park had a typical play area for kids, who were running around having a great time. There were also motor boats in (dirty) water, which I rode on:

I will miss the liveliness of Iranian parks. 

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