Friday, May 16, 2014

I'm Back (Again!)

Hello, world! After 4 months of not blogging due to life getting in the way, I'm back!!! By the end of this month, I will finish writing 100 things about Iran - 50 cultural/random things that I will miss, and 50 cultural/random things that I won't miss.

A few days ago, I thought about holding off on finishing the blog until August, because there's a chance I might return to my beloved Iran for a few weeks. However, I decided to finish this blog this month, because 1) I want to reach my goal, and 2) I think the blog will feel more authentic in my mind if it is based off of the experiences I had in one trip during one year (2013) as opposed to breaking it into two years.

The posts are coming. Cheers and happy reading!

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